Introducing: Our Creator's Realm "Kingdom" on Earth!
Jesus said, "The Kingdom is in your midst" this means the kingdom has been here for two thousand years+. Why? You might ask, has not any man gone into the Realm yet? Because the world of religions keeps teaching us the forbidden fruit for us to keep eating (learning). What is the forbidden teaching [fruit]? The same forbidden fruit Adam and Eve were not to eat, "Do not eat of the knowledge of [a] good [God] and [a] bad [Devil]." All religious organizations on earth are teaching forbidden Knowledge. Look at the world; all of it is dying by knowing what is [a] good [God] and bad [Devil]. When Adam and Eve ate of the Knowledge of good and bad, they did not only disobey the Creator's (whose name is Holy) warning in the form of a commandment. Instead, they created the good and bad Gods and began to serve them. But unfortunately, at that time, they were cut off from their Creator (whose name is MyHoly). As a result, Adam and Eve have taught their children to serve the good God as if he is the Creator and the bad God as if he is the deceiver of man. But in reality, they were created at the same time. Like the serpent with a split tongue, one side of his tongue speaking what he judges as being good and the other side saying what he believes as being bad. Like all preachers, religious teachers like Jehovah's Witnesses, etc. The Creator (whose name is MyHoly) spoke to the serpent, and the Creator said, "dust is what you will eat all the days of your life." So please remember that our bodies are dust, and the good and bad God (the serpent) eats our bodies and keeps himself alive. So stop feeding him; your bodies and he will die, and you will live. So run, get out of all religious organizations on earth, any place teaching you must die and go to Heaven to live. I have seen all these things "hidden since the world's founding." And they are true.
Hello World! Here I come riding on the cloud (the internet). This Realm has come down in Holy Spirit, and since the Holy Spirit is a teacher, it means MyHoly's Teaching. Coming down from Heaven to dwell on Earth forever. Its purpose is to give Man and Woman a chance to live by the Creator's grace, "whose name is Holy." This message is for the whole World of men and women. Come and accept the gift of your Creator in his Realm. Here you will become a Peer of the Realm. (Peer; means equal standing with every man and Woman in Holy's Realm!) No man or Woman is any better than any other man or Woman, no matter his or her education, worth, or standing in the World of Politics, Religion, or Business. Remember what Jesus said, "It will be easier for a Camel to go through an eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into the kingdom (Realm) of heaven."
Man is turned backward to MyHoly (man is made in MyHoly.s image, look in the mirror at your image. It is backward to you.), and man speaks MyHoly's name backward like this; Ylohym, read it like this, Elohim. is to say "GOD," But the Creator's "NAME IS HOLY!" If you speak to a good God, you say; Elohim because it means the good God, which is a title of many good Gods. Like Jehovah, Mohamad. Yahweh, Butta, etc. If you want to talk to our father, you address him by his name, "HOLY"! YES, "His name is Holy," and he is your Creator. You say, MyHoly when speaking to our Creator. Use MyHoly when addressing him with prayers, then go into your hiding place where only MyHoly will see you. Then after asking, what will you go about as if your prayers have already come to pass? If your prayers are righteous in what you ask, MyHoly will answer your prayers.
Only one is in charge in this Realm MyHoly, and he calls his people." To come one, and all men and women enter his Realm, serve only MyHoly, and keep living in the flesh forever. Enter this Realm no matter where on Earth you live. Just stop learning the knowledge of all religious teachings: (Holy's) only commandment to Adam is "do not eat of the knowledge of a good [God] and a bad [Devil]. This teaching is the same thing the first man Adam and the woman Eve did; To bring death to all of Adam and Eve, and everyone borne on Earth down to this very day. If we keep eating this forebitten fruit, we will keep dying. So, enter this Realm, stop Judging with "the knowledge of a good [God] and a Bad [Devil]," and stay alive in the flesh. STOP! Men on Earth serve the good and bad [Gods], putting these two Gods (of good and bad) before MyHoly's face, the only Creator.
"Put no other Gods before Holy's face" Holy is the only actual Creator of mankind. He said, "He is the only God. He recognizes no other gods." The Bible is the two witnesses of Elohim the Old Testament (1 witness) and the New Testament (2 witnesses). It is written; that "Elohim's two witnesses must be killed and lay in the Broadway" for a designated time." So put the Bible down; it's written that MyHoly will teach all the men and women in his Realm. Go to work for MyHoly in his Realm and put "food in his warehouse," and he "will repurchase" all men who want him to. So be in the "World but be no part of it," in this way; Work in the World at any job you want and give all the extra money you may have to MyHoly. In the Realm, it works like this. The Peers (you and everyone in Holy's Realm) will be workers for Elohim alone.
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l = " the tail is the false prophet" Remove the false prophet's tail = l and read it backward, and it says = venom of the serpent. Who are you working for in this world? Come and work for MyHoly. And keep alive.
His Realm is Worldwide and excepts all men anywhere in the World. You will come to be in union with MyHoly; therefore, if everything you do, MyHoly is doing. In this way, if MyHoly had not made you, you could do nothing. Now, I ask you if everything you are doing, MyHoly is doing. Can you die? No, not unless MyHoly dies. Quit serving the teachings of all Churches, "a many a {Church} house though well and good, will be laid desolate, and no man will go about them anymore only goat shaped Demons will go about the church houses, Synagogues, or any other place teaching you must die to live. Stop eating the knowledge of good [God backward Dog] and bad [Devil backward who Lived, the people who lived taught us this lie]. And keep alive in union with MyHoly.
Now, about the Realm. Jesus said: "it is in your midst." This Realm is spoken of; [In fact, it is the one that Jesus gave the first-century Christians. MyHoly shows you how it is in your midst. Join now; You do not need any man to tell you how to join this Realm; it is only by your faith between you and MyHoly. Therefore, make MyHoly your Creator. Listen not to any man on Earth; only listen to MyHoly in his Realm. "You will hear a voice behind you say. This is the way. Walk in it."
I am still working on this site.
More to come.
Please, check back; your life depends on it.
E-Mail = Elohim@ElohimsRealm.com
E-Mail + John@myholysrealm.com